Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Atomic Labs Releases Pion 1.1

Atomic Labs Releases Pion 1.1

Today Atomic Labs is proud to announce the release of Pion 1.1.

Mountain View, California - Today Atomic Labs is proud to announce the release of Pion 1.1. This new version of Pion shatters existing performance records while delivering a host of improvements to help you better understand your customers, speed deployments and drive cost out of your web analytics (http://www.atomiclabs.com/solutions/tagless-web-analytics.php) implementation. Some highlights in Pion 1.1 are:

* High Performance Passive Web Capture (http://www.atomiclabs.com/solutions/tagless-web-analytics.php)

First web traffic analyzer to break the Gigabit barrier on commodity hardware (over 1.2 Gbps of HTTP/S traffic using 8 x86 CPU cores and 3 network devices on Linux, MacOS or Windows)

New lock-free architecture speeds event handling and delivery

* New Web Analytics Integrations

Omniture SiteCatalyst 13.x and 14.x (http://www.atomiclabs.com/omniture)

WebTrends 7.x and 8.x

* New Processing Reactors

Script Reactor allows you to retrieve, store or process events using an external script or program

Session Filter Reactor allows you to scan all traffic for each unique visitor session and either discard or forward the session's traffic based upon configurable triggers and patterns

•    Transform Reactor now includes look-up tables and rules processing

•    End user performance capture is available on every download

•    Streamlined user interface

To learn more about these and the many other breakthroughs in Pion 1.1 please join us for a free live webinar entitled "What's new in Pion 1.1" on February 23rd and February 25th at 11am Eastern. For sign-up information and more details please visit us at http://www.atomiclabs.com/contact/pion-webinar.php

About Atomic Labs™ and Pion™

Atomic Labs is the creator of Pion, the powerful open source solution for handling your toughest data acquisition, processing, loading and streaming challenges. Pion™ is designed for large scale heterogeneous environments for real-time web analytics (http://www.atomiclabs.com/solutions/tagless-web-analytics.php), log processing and ETL. Atomic Labs delivers solutions that enable businesses to turn disparate sources of hard-to-manage data into the operational intelligence they need, when they need it. For more details please visit us at www.atomiclabs.com or contact us at (800) 261-2957 to work with one of our experts to design as solution that is right for you.


Contact Information Chris Andrews

Atomic Labs



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